Refereed conference papers

Paper 1

Configurable Algorithms for All-to-all Collectives

Ke Fan, Steve Petruzza, Thomas Gilray, Sidharth Kumar
The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2024)
Acceptance rate: 29%

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Paper 1

TinyProf: Towards Continuous Performance Introspection through Scalable Parallel I/O.

Ke Fan, Suraj Kesavan, Steve Petruzza, Sidharth Kumar
The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2024)
Acceptance rate: 29% (24/83)

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Paper 1

Investigating Data Movement Strategies for Distribution of Repartitioned Data.

John-Paul Robinson, Ke Fan, Steve Petruzza, Thomas Gilray, Sidharth Kumar.
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing. (PEARC 2024)

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Paper 1

Bruck Algorithm Performance Analysis for Multi-GPU All-to-All Communication.

Andres Sewell, Ke Fan, Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, Landon Dyken, Sidharth Kumar, Steve Petruzza.
2024 International Conference on High-Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2024)

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Paper 1

Optimizing the Bruck Algorithm for Non-uniform All-to-all Communication.

Ke Fan, Thomas Gilray, Valerio Pascucci, Xuan Huang, Kristopher Micinski, Sidharth Kumar
International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2022)
Acceptance rate: 19%

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Paper 1

Load-balancing Parallel I/O of Compressed Hierarchical Layouts.

Ke Fan, Duong Hoang, Steve Petruzza, Thomas Gilray, Valerio Pascucci, Sidharth Kumar.
IEEE Conference On High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC 2021)
Acceptance rate: 23%

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Paper 1

Threefold similarity analysis: a case study on crowdsourcing feeds.

Kaixu Liu, Gianmario Motta, Tianyi Ma, Ke Fan.
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 18 (IJITM 2019)

Paper 1

Identifying region-wide functions using urban taxicab trajectories.

Zhang, Daqiang, Jiafu Wan, Zongjian He, Shengjie Zhao, Ke Fan, Sang Oh Park, and Zhibin Jiang.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 15 (TECS 2015)

Paper 1

Cloud-Based Iterative RFID Tag Search Protocol Using Bloom Filters.

Qian, Yuming, Daqiang Zhang, Shengjie Zhao, Xiaopeng Fan, and Ke Fan.
International Conference on Cloud Computing, Springer, Cham (CLOUD 2014)

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Refereed workshop papers

Paper 1

Analysis of MPI Communication Time for Distribution of Repartitioned Data.

John-Paul Robinson, Ke Fan, Sidharth Kumar.
2023 IEEE 30th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics Workshop (HiPCW 2023)

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Paper 1

A Visual Guide to MPI All-to-all.

Nick Netterville, Ke Fan, Sidharth Kumar, Thomas Gilray.
4th Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHiPC 2022)

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Paper 1

Optimizing the Bruck Algorithm for All-to-all Communication.

Ke Fan.
Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC), 2022

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Paper 1

Exploring MPI Collective I/O and File-per-process I/O for Checkpointing a Logical Inference task.

Ke Fan, Kristopher Micinski, Thomas Gilray, Sidharth Kumar.
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW 2021)

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Paper 1

Discovering urban social functional regions using taxi trajectories.

Ke Fan, Daqiang Zhang, Yunsheng Wang, and Shengjie Zhao.
IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom 2015)

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Extended abstracts

Paper 1

Two-phase IO Enabling Large-scale Introspection.

Ke Fan, Sidharth Kumar.
SC 2023 Research Poster: Proceedings of the International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2023.
Best poster finalist

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Paper 1

Generalized Radix-r Bruck Algorithm for All-to-all Communication.

Ke Fan, Sidharth Kumar.
SC 2022 Research Poster: Proceedings of the International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2022.

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Paper 1

Padding to Extend the Bruck Algorithm for Non-uniform All-to-all Communication.

Ke Fan, Thomas Gilray, Sidharth Kumar.
SC 2021 Research Poster: Proceedings of the International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2021.

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